Join Exwick CC

Please contact the club secretary if you would like to join the club. Everyone is welcome to play cricket at Exwick Cricket Club.

Registering at the club

Please follow the steps below to complete registration at the club.


Download the Spond club app.


Join the Exwick CC Group (Code -DBVAR)


Register on Play Cricket


Join the Exwick CC Page

You will then receive a request for payment of the appropriate membership fee for the year.

What we offer

Everyone who wishes to be involved in cricket is welcome at Exwick. If you don’t want to play, there are plenty of other options for being involved in our fantastic community.

Adult League Cricket

We have 2 teams in the Devon Cricket League in E division east and H division east

Women & Girls Softball Cricket

We have a thriving Women & Girls Softball side and are looking to expand into hardball women’s cricket

Social Cricket – Jokers

Our social team is a great place to play cricket and gain some experience and confidence

All Stars & Dynamos

We run national programmes for children aged 5-11

For any questions relating to membership of the club please contact the club secretary.